Cultivating Change and Resource

About the Practitioner

Mark Hooker SI,CHP,CMT

Hellerwork, Massage,Cranio-sacral, Energy work, sacred geometry, Voice dialogue, guided imagery, movement education, awareness education

Interviewer: How did you first get into energy work, and why?

Mark: It started when I was very young . I was preoccupied with light and space at age 4 or 5 years old. It was and still is a natural curiodity.

Interviewer; What type of energy is it that you are working with ?

Mark: At first it was the energetic of the heat that's transmitted from the ihands, the idea of chemistry from the body associated with touch.

Then the association energetic that is separate from the body, around it. Then the energetic that is around everywhere and runs through everything.

Interviewer:: What is your background.

Mark: Well my main training is in Hellerwork Structural Integration. This year is my 20th year. I have also practiced massage for the same amount of time. I spent much time from cruiseships to casino and dental clinic with table and chair massage. Study with rolfing teachers and various massage schools. Up ledger inst. for cranio-sacral work,. Lymphatic drainage, at Toa Healing arts. exposure to Rudolph Steiners, rhythmical massage from Giovanni.

Interviewer: What else related to energy and other activities.

Mark: I've studied with Clear sight of Santa Monica hands off energy healing. Also Rocky mountain mystery school, In Utah for teacher level initiation (King Solemn tradition) Energy healing.

Mark: I have also spent time as an art model with most major animation studios and area colleges and art schools. Before this I was a designer at Hughes Aircraft. Electrical and mechanical. I've been involved in the invention marketing process with some product ideas at age 20. I was also in Art school at RIT in Rochester N.Y.

Mark: All These experiences have helped build my Da Vinci curiosities and the understanding of how different energies work. I've loved this journey as a child and Still to this day. Helping others on their path to healing has been a profound experience.

Mark enjoys hiking, playing the drums and the arts.

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